Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Completely Unsubstantiated Theory of Tea Party Politics

Submitted for your approval, a theory I came up with the other day about how the Tea Party came to be.  I'll say up front that I have done no research, very little reading and I don't have the facts to back this up...

In The Beginning:

1.  True GOP intention was always just to push for the supply-side, top-down, "drown it in a bathtub", Laffer farce of an economic policy that has worked for them (the One Percent) since Reaganomics.  The other goal was to destroy entitlement programs and eliminate federal taxes to take the US into an old-west style era of corporate feudalism where every dollar produced by every American would feed corporate earnings in the stock market.

2.  In the post-party of Lincoln era & post-Jimmy Carter South and Midwest the GOP finds support that stretches beyond those who benefit from their policies to those who simply oppose progressive social ideas.

3.  Seeing this as a great way to win elections, the GOP makes a conscious decision to pander to this new base by becoming the party of evangelism.

3.1  Enter a bit of wisdom: "You see progress where you spend your energy"

4.  After pandering to these evangelical, white, non-college voters through successive election cycles, this voting bloc grows in size and clout.

5.  The soon-to-be Tea Party elite (and I use the term loosely) discover that the GOP platform really doesn't do all that much for them, maybe they were taken for a bit of a ride.  Not hard enough on the social issues and anti-government issues which brought them to the table in the first place.

6.  Using the political clout and cohesive voting tendencies that had been ingrained through GOP campaign efforts, they spin off in a new, hard-line direction

7.  "OMG we've created a monster!!"

P.S. the HMS Romney really did fight against the Patriots in the American Revolution.

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